"Quiet quitting" is the newest buzz word plaguing the minds of leaders within many industries thanks to TikTok. These viral videos showcase employees bragging and sharing ways in which they are doing the absolute bare minimum within their roles instead of just leaving their organizations.
What is Quiet Quitting?
If you’ve not heard of this new emerging topic, quiet quitting is an act of disengagement from employees. Think of an employee doing the least amount of work possible to avoid losing their job. Quietly quitting could include declines in performance, decreased engagement, and even pulling away from their role and responsibilities.
Perhaps you’ve noticed shifts in your employees’ behavior?
Are the employees trying to tell you that they are quiet quitting?
If so, let’s dive into the ways the workforce engagement management (WEM) solutions from Verint can help your organization quickly identify and address some of the quiet quitting behaviors quickly, so action can be taken to reengage employees and drive peak performance.
Quality Management
A clear indicator of quiet quitting typically involves declining quality scores. If soft skills are included as part of our quality evaluation process, leveraging Verint reports to identify drops and gradual declines within specific sections or categories can help shed insight as to how agents are interacting with customers. A tell-tale sign can often be that agents are no longer using positive language during difficult calls. Also focusing on overall evaluation scores is a great way to compare performance trends.
Two great quality reports focused on these topics are:
- Average Evaluation Scores per Employee: this great report identifies employees who excel and under-perform within their evaluations
- Average Evaluation Scores per Reason: this report shows the average scores of all answers that were tagged with specific reasons. This is a must if your evaluations include questions with soft skill reasons
Workforce Management
The Verint Workforce Management suite offers leaders the ability to drill down into several indicating metrics such as adherence, workload handled, and even attendance to help identify agents who may be in the midst of quiet quitting. Early signs of quiet quitting include employees starting their shift the minute their shift starts and leaving their shift the minute the shift ends—even if that means putting their phones in an unavailable state close to the shift’s end time. One tip to improve engagement would be to use the Verint Mobile App for WFM to give agents more freedom in making shift changes and/or swaps. Also, these Verint reports can efficiently assist leaders with the tools needed to quick identify specific employee behavior:
- Adherence Summary: this report provides a summary of the employee's adherence to their schedule for each workday selected
- Time Off Summary for Employee: this report provides details on the employee's scheduled, used, allotted, and remaining time off for the year per employee
Speech Analytics
Another great tool is leveraging the power of speech analytics to help group similarly themed calls. This critical step will identify agents who are not offering solutions to calls and/or agents who are telling customers “that’s not my job” or other ways to express that the customer request is “not part of their current role.” After tuning and creating one or both of these categories, Advanced Analytics reports identify agents who have larger volumes of these categorized calls thus enabling leaders with the tools needed to quickly intervene.
Sample words and phrases for these categories includes:
- Words to Avoid (all utterances on the agent side): not my job, can’t help, I don’t know, or not my department
- Customer Dissatisfaction (all utterances on the customer side): ridiculous, frustrated, angry, worst experience or unacceptable
Desktop Process Analytics (DPA)
One of the most powerful ways to track time spent on non-work-related applications or websites is by using DPA. This analytics-based tool tracks applications, tracks time spent in applications, and identifies the ways an agent navigates through applications. These insights will help you identify employees who have increased time spent in non-value-add applications. Talking with the employee to discuss expectations, while also reviewing some of the reports below, can help set clear expectations and prevent the continuation of quiet quitting.
- Application Duration with Detail Bar Chart: this report focuses on which applications are being used and the time spent in each application
- Website Duration: this report is a great tool to drill down into the specific websites that the employee is visiting, and durations spent at the websites
Lastly, quiet quitting in the contact center could be increasing based on the way you use your tools. Agents are people, not robots. Agents often have expectations, needs, faults, and performance issues that go well beyond what technology can track. I encourage you to use accountability, open communication, and clear expectation-setting along with leveraging the Verint Unified Platform to help you address quiet quitting in your environment.
Not sure you’re ready for the challenge? Click on Contact here and reach out to a Group Elite expert. We can set up a private discussion about quiet quitting and its impact on your employees.