5 Minute Read

Tags: Verint

By now you may have read a little (or a lot) about The Great Resignation. You might even be experiencing the pain of it in your own organization. It’s quite real.

Employees are voluntarily resigning from their jobs, en masse. It’s causing some havoc for organizations already struggling to fulfill work volumes with the staff they have—and that don’t see any more budget for more staff anytime soon.

At Verint we call this the Engagement Capacity Gap, whereby interaction volumes are rising, but organizations don’t have the budgets to hire more employees to handle the extra volume.

Sound familiar?

Now, organizations are losing large numbers of employees due to the Great Resignation, so they are having to handle increased interaction volumes with even fewer employees. Many organizations are struggling with extremely long hold times, closed branches, missed SLAs and plummeting customer satisfaction.

You need help, right?

You need ways to track and improve the employee journey to keep the employees you have, quickly hire and train new employees, and find ways to automate more interactions. You also need to find ways to improve the customer journey through self-service and automation, so that while customer engagements and expectations may be increasing, the resources and staff required to address these engagements do not have to scale at the same rate.


I can tell you that Verint is unique because we help you solve the Engagement Capacity Gap from all sides—addressing issues for both customers and the workforce. We offer best-of-breed self-service applications and provide hiring resources while helping you cope with reduced headcount. Did you know automation can help organizations avoid the fear of the Great Resignation? Even before your resources become too sparse to handle your interaction volume, you can take advantage of the efficiencies and customer experience benefits of digital solutions.

Organizations need to lean into digital channels as strongly as traditional channels

Digital channels can drive down the cost of service, especially when integrated with bots—but it’s not just about these channels being available. You need a comprehensive approach to managing interactions across all channels, including the ability to forecast and schedule work, cope with asynchronous communications, measure the quality of interactions on all channels, and schedule a hybrid workforce of humans and bots. I have good news: You don’t have to fear the Great Resignation.

I recently did a webinar about this topic with Ventana Research’s Keith Dawson, longtime industry analyst. Take a listen and get some tips you can start using now.



Article from Sr. Director, Content Marketing Manager, Kelly Koelliker, Verint.

Group Elite is a Verint Strategic Partner.  This blog was originally posted on Verint’s website.

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